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The Team
The senior member of the team, Dave Rogerson is a local Aberystwyth boy who has been working in the conservation sector for the past 25 years, 20 of those years he has been involved in bat work. Dave is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecological and Environmental Management.
Dave used to be the Species Officer for West Wales when he worked for the Countryside Council for Wales, carrying out bat surveys and giving advice to the public. He started as a self employed bat surveyor in 2011, and has undertaken a diverse range of project ranging from domestic houses to churches to industrial units. Dave strives to ensure that whilst all measures necessary to maintain the integrity of any bat roosts found are employed, it doesn't result in the client being too adversely affected in anyway. Dave has provided training for the Welsh Government and Cadw on bats and their ecology.
Ceredigion Bats
Quick, reliable and efficient service